Washers toss is an exciting game to play if you have run out of ideas to make your weekends more enlivening.  Considered popular among Americans, it is a unique game that involves no stress and strain, unlike other games, yet promises memorable gameplay for hours on end. Today, people tend to play 3 hole washers game more than the other washers toss game options. Wondering, why? It’s all because the 3 hole washers game is made under specific quality manufacturers’ guidelines, which adds to the quality of the game.

The best part of 3 hole washers game is its different board finishes and options of gameplay. Playing this game under the official set of rules and regulations helps you emerge as a complete player.

3 hole washers game equipment includes:

  • 6 Washers (3 for each team).
  • 2 Washer Boards.

Popular Options of 3 Hole Washers Gameplay include:

For Doubles Play

  • Washers Players can stand at opposite washers’ platforms, facing each other.
  • Each team of two has 3 washers of one color.
  • To decide the starting team, each player should toss one washer towards the opposite board. The team which earns the higher score will toss first.
  • The first players will begin throwing washers (all 3) towards the washer boards.
  • Then, the next players will throw their all 3 washers.
  • After all 6 washers are tossed from team players, scoring is done as per rules and regulations.
  • In the same manner, the second team will take their turn with the tossing of washers towards the washers boards.
  • Play continues until either team reaches 21 points.

For Single Play

  • Each washers player will throw from the same platform. After taking their turns tossing the washers, the players will pitch from the other platform.
  • The player scoring the most points in the previous round will toss first.

Rules Variations

  • Distance between the two platforms may vary by region. The norm is 10’ apart.
  • Teams may each throw 4 washers, instead of 3.
  • A winner may be declared if the score reaches 11 - 0.
  • Players will often throw from atop the platform, instead of from the designated area to the sides of the platform.
  • If you go over 21, you go back to 11.

Wrapping Up

Hence, there is no denying that today many people are looking for the perfect outdoor game to improve their gameplay. Among the different options, 3 hole Washers Game stands as the best way to get core skills to emerge as a quality player. If you are looking for 3 hole washers game online, then connect with Washers Game Official Website!

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